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Custom Metal Signs for Nashville Businesses

Nashville, known as Music City, is not only famous for its vibrant music scene but also for its stunning array of custom metal signs that add a touch of elegance and personality to homes and businesses alike. This article explores the world of custom metal signs in Nashville, TN, showcasing the artistry and craftsmanship of MetroCenter Signworks. Whether you’re looking for a personalized piece of home decor or an eye-catching commercial sign, this guide will help you navigate the best options available.

What Makes Custom Metal Signs Special in Nashville?

Nashville’s charm lies in its blend of tradition and modernity, and this is reflected in the city’s approach to metal signage. Custom metal signs in Nashville combine artistic design with durable materials, making them ideal for both decorative and practical purposes. The unique styles range from vintage-inspired pieces that capture the city’s rich history to sleek, modern designs that fit perfectly in contemporary settings.

Why Choose MetroCenter Signworks for Your Metal Signage Needs?

Opting for MetroCenter Signworks ensures that you get high-quality, locally crafted signs that meet your specific needs. Our team offers a free consultation to understand your requirements and design preferences. Our expertise in the Nashville area means we can offer insights on what styles and materials work best in the local climate and cultural context.

Exploring the Types of Custom Metal Signs Available

Custom metal signs come in a variety of forms, each suited for different applications. Here’s a closer look at some of the most popular types of custom metal signs available at MetroCenter Signworks:

Monument Signs

Monument signs are large, permanent structures that are perfect for businesses looking to make a bold statement. These signs are often placed at the entrance of a business or property and are designed to be highly visible from a distance.

  • Durability: Made from robust materials like aluminum or steel, monument signs are built to withstand the elements, making them ideal for outdoor use.
  • Customization: You can incorporate various design elements such as your business logo, colors, and even lighting to make the sign stand out.
  • Impact: Monument signs create a strong, professional impression, signaling stability and permanence to potential customers.

Metal Wall Art

Metal wall art is a versatile option for both home decor and business interiors. These pieces are designed to be visually appealing and can depict a wide range of subjects, from the Nashville skyline to personalized designs.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Metal wall art adds a unique, artistic touch to any space. It can be customized to match the decor of your home or office.
  • Variety: Choose from a range of designs, including abstract art, nature scenes, and custom-made pieces featuring personal or brand-specific elements.

Durability: Like all metal signs, wall art pieces are durable and can maintain their appearance for years.

Wayfinding Signs

Wayfinding signs are essential for guiding people through commercial spaces. These signs are both functional and stylish, ensuring that visitors can navigate your premises with ease.

  • Clarity: Designed to be easily readable, wayfinding signs often use clear fonts and high-contrast colors to ensure information is quickly understood.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a consistent design across all wayfinding signs helps create a cohesive look and feel throughout your property.
  • Customization: These signs can be customized to fit your brand’s aesthetic, incorporating logos, colors, and other brand elements.

Storefront Signs

Storefront signs are crucial for attracting attention and drawing customers into your business. These signs need to be eye-catching and reflective of your brand’s personality.

  • Visibility: Storefront signs are designed to be easily seen from a distance, often incorporating bright colors and bold graphics.
  • Branding: These signs should accurately represent your brand, using logos, fonts, and colors that align with your overall branding strategy.
  • Versatility: Options for storefront signs include illuminated signs, channel letters, and flat-panel signs, each offering different visual effects.

Lobby Signs

Lobby signs are often the first thing customers see when they enter your business, making them a crucial part of your interior signage.

  • Professionalism: A well-designed lobby sign conveys professionalism and sets the tone for your customer’s experience.
  • Customization: These signs can be tailored to fit the interior design of your lobby, whether you prefer a sleek, modern look or a more traditional style.

Materials: Lobby signs can be made from various materials, including metal, acrylic, and wood, depending on the desired aesthetic.

LED Signs

LED signs are a modern and versatile option for businesses looking to make a dynamic impression. These signs use light-emitting diodes to create bright, attention-grabbing displays.

  • Brightness: LED signs are highly visible even in bright daylight, making them an excellent choice for outdoor signage.
  • Versatility: These signs can display text, graphics, and animations, allowing for a wide range of creative possibilities.
  • Energy Efficiency: LED signs consume less energy compared to traditional neon or incandescent signs, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.

Personalized Metal Signs

Personalized metal signs offer a unique way to add a personal touch to your business or home. These signs can be tailored to include names, special messages, or custom designs that reflect your personal style or brand identity.

  • Uniqueness: Each personalized sign is one-of-a-kind, created specifically to meet your preferences.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various applications, from home decor to office signage, personalized signs can enhance any space.
  • Quality: Made from high-quality materials, these signs are designed to be durable and long-lasting.

The Process of Creating a Custom Metal Sign at MetroCenter Signworks

Step 1: Free Consultation

The journey to your perfect custom metal sign begins with a free consultation. At this stage, we discuss your ideas, vision, and specific requirements. Whether you have a clear design in mind or need creative input, our experts are here to help.

We’ll talk about the purpose of the sign, desired materials, size, color preferences, and any unique elements you want to include. This consultation helps us understand your needs and ensures we can deliver a product that meets your expectations.

Step 2: Design and Planning

After the initial consultation, our design team gets to work. We create detailed design concepts based on your input. These designs include layout options, font choices, and graphical elements. You’ll have the opportunity to review these designs and provide feedback.

If you want to change anything about this design, such as altering the font or changing the layout, we can make adjustments to ensure the final product is exactly what you envision. Once you approve the final design, we move on to the fabrication stage.

Step 3: Material Selection

Choosing the right materials is crucial for creating a durable and aesthetically pleasing metal sign. We use high-quality materials such as steel and aluminum, which are known for their strength and longevity. Depending on your needs, we can recommend the best material for your sign, ensuring it will perform well whether it’s intended for indoor or outdoor use.

Step 4: Fabrication

Fabrication is where your design comes to life. Our skilled team uses advanced fabrication techniques to ensure precision and quality. This process includes:

  • Cutting: Using CNC machines and other precision tools, we cut the metal into the desired shapes and sizes according to the approved design.
  • Welding: If your design includes multiple pieces, our expert welders join them together seamlessly, ensuring structural integrity.
  • Finishing: The finishing process involves cleaning, smoothing, and coating the metal. This may include applying a protective finish, painting, or adding special effects to enhance the appearance and durability of the sign.

Step 5: Quality Control

Before your sign leaves our workshop, it undergoes a rigorous quality control check. We inspect every detail to ensure it meets our high standards for craftsmanship and durability. This step guarantees that your sign will not only look great but also stand the test of time.

Step 6: Installation

Once your custom metal sign is complete, we offer professional installation services to ensure it’s securely and correctly placed. Our installation team handles everything, from mounting the sign to ensuring it’s positioned for maximum visibility and impact. If you prefer to install the sign yourself, we provide detailed instructions and support to assist you.

Step 7: Follow-Up and Support

Our commitment to your satisfaction doesn’t end with installation. We follow up to ensure you are happy with the final product and its installation. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, our team is always available to provide support and address any concerns.

Metal plaque featuring a cutout city skyline, including various identifiable buildings and landmarks, hung against a brick wall.
Metal plaque featuring a cutout city skyline, including various identifiable buildings and landmarks, hung against a brick wall.

Choosing the Right Metal Sign for Your Business

Selecting the perfect metal sign for your business involves careful consideration of several key factors. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make the best choice:


The location of your sign is crucial in determining its size, design, and material. Here are some points to consider:

  • Visibility: Ensure your sign is placed where it can be easily seen by your target audience. High-traffic areas, entrances, and key points around your property are ideal.
  • Environment: Outdoor signs need to withstand weather conditions, so choose durable materials like aluminum or steel that are resistant to rust and wear.
  • Mounting Surface: Consider where the sign will be mounted—on a building, freestanding, or on another structure—as this affects the design and installation method.


The design of your metal sign should align with your brand’s identity and message. Here’s how to ensure your design is effective:

  • Branding: Your sign should reflect your brand’s personality and values. Use your brand colors, fonts, and logos to maintain consistency.
  • Readability: Choose a design that is easy to read from a distance. Clear fonts, high-contrast colors, and appropriate sizing of text and graphics are essential.
  • Aesthetics: Your sign should be visually appealing and complement the overall look of your business premises. Consider styles that match the architecture and interior design of your space.


Different types of signs serve different purposes. Identify the primary function of your sign to select the right type:

  • Storefront Signs: These need to be eye-catching to attract potential customers. They should convey your business name and what you offer in a clear and appealing manner.
  • Wayfinding Signs: These help customers navigate your space. They should be straightforward and easy to understand, with clear directions and locations.
  • Lobby Signs: These create a strong first impression when visitors enter your premises. They should be professional, stylish, and welcoming, reinforcing your brand’s image.


Working with MetroCenter Signworks allows you to customize your metal sign to fit your exact needs. Here’s how we can help:

  • Consultation: We provide a free consultation to discuss your vision, requirements, and preferences. Our team will offer expert advice to ensure your sign meets your expectations.
  • Design Services: Our designers can create a custom logo, incorporate unique design elements, and make sure the final product aligns with your brand’s aesthetics.
  • Quality Materials: We use high-quality materials and advanced fabrication techniques to ensure your sign is durable and visually appealing.
  • Installation: Our professional installation services ensure your sign is securely and correctly placed, maximizing its impact and longevity.

Final Considerations

When choosing a metal sign, also consider your budget and timeline. MetroCenter Signworks offers competitive pricing and efficient production times to meet your needs. We aim to provide you with a sign that not only enhances your business’s appearance but also serves its functional purpose effectively.

MetroCenter Signworks: Nashville’s Premier Sign Company

MetroCenter Signworks is renowned for its expertise in creating high-quality metal signs in Nashville. We offer a range of services, from custom signage to sign printing and installation. By choosing our full-service sign company, you can ensure that your project is handled professionally from start to finish, resulting in a product that exceeds your expectations.


  • Custom Metal Signs: Unique, durable, and versatile, perfect for both home decor and commercial use.
  • Local Expertise: MetroCenter Signworks provides tailored services to meet your specific needs.
  • Types of Signs: Monument signs, metal wall art, wayfinding signs, and more.
  • Home Decor: Enhance your space with personalized and stylish metal signs.
  • Commercial Signage: Make a lasting impression with high-quality business signs.
  • Outdoor Durability: Metal signs are built to withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Personalization: Custom designs to reflect your unique identity.
  • Fabrication Process: Involves advanced techniques to ensure quality and durability.
  • Choosing the Right Sign: Consider design, location, and purpose for maximum impact.
  • MetroCenter Signworks: Work with experienced professionals for the best results.

Contact MetroCenter Signworks in Nashville at 615-649-5003 for a free consultation today! Whether you are looking for personalized metal art, eye-catching business signs, or durable outdoor signage, the experts in Music City are ready to help you create the perfect sign for your needs.


What types of custom metal signs do you offer?

We offer a wide range of custom metal signs, including monument signs, metal wall art, wayfinding signs, LED signs, and commercial signage. Each type is crafted to suit different applications, whether for home decor or business purposes.

How do I start the process of ordering a custom metal sign?

The first step is to contact us for a free consultation. You can reach us at (615) 490-9181. During the consultation, we’ll discuss your design ideas, preferences, and the specific requirements for your sign.

What materials do you use for metal signs?

We use high-quality materials such as steel and aluminum, which are durable and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. These materials ensure that your sign will withstand harsh weather conditions and maintain its appearance over time.

Can I get a personalized design for my metal sign?

Absolutely! We specialize in creating personalized metal signs that reflect your unique identity. Whether it’s your name, logo, or a special message, we can design a sign that meets your exact specifications.